Syroco Corkscrews were made in up-state New York, in Syracuse, around the 1950's. SYROCO stands for SYRacuse Ornamental COmpany, and only 6 complete figures were made. They comprise the WAITER; the OLD CODGER; the MONK; the INDIAN; the CLOWN; and the KNIGHT. They are each about 8 inches tall, and are made from resin, and then painted.....or in some cases not painted, just a brown color. The head and shoulders lift off, revealing a long worm (either a worm, or a flat blade) and a cage which includes a bottle cap remover.
I always have several of these in stock, particularly the first two, although I have not yet been able to buy the knight at a price that I feel good value. The prices obviously depend on quality, but the Knight, when available, is still commanding a price in excess of $2000!
The Waiter and the Old Codger sell for around $100-200
The Monk for $250-450. In the examples above, the unpainted version is $285 and the painted one, in excellent condition is $425.
The Indian and the Clown sell for $650-900. The Indian above is available for $790.